Likely the body’s most complex joint and a source of great concern for many patients. Injuries to the shoulder contribute to a vast range of issues including immobility, weakness, referred neural symptoms, trouble sleeping and difficulties with even the most simple daily activities.
We will explore your shoulder’s history in detail and perform a set of special tests to determine the likely injured structure. A game-plan will be discussed to address the issues found, likely including manual techniques such as massage and/or dry needling and exercise programmes developed addressing strength and postural issues.
Conditions treated:
Rotator cuff sprain or tear
Shoulder Dislocation including labral injury
A/C joint injury
Pre and Post op Shoulder surgery including Labral repairs, biceps tenodesis and rotator cuff repair
Referred pain from neural entrapment (from the cervical spine/neck or 1st/2nd rib)
Postural deformities, imbalances or overuse injury
Rotator cuff or Biceps sprain or tear
Frozen Shoulder
Note: If a more complex issue is suspected we will discuss plans for referring you for an x-ray, ultrasound or to see a specialist.